Guayusa Dreaming – of Green Rivers flowing…
Its been years in the brewing and results are starting to be seen. The company is legally established now in Ecuador as…Guayusa Tea House cia. ltda. We are registered as Guayusa exporters and have the full legal permission to do so. In Tena, we have our first dryers built, at a small house we are renting. Meanwhile the Guayusa Tea House property is under construction, the wall around the property has been accomplished thanks to the diligent and hard sustained work of compadre Juan Pilco, the father of Juan Patricio Pilco who oversees the reforestation efforts in the high Andes among the Agua Santa village. In the US Guayusa Tea House’s premium Guayusa Tea can be ordered from Jerry Rheese, US distributor and project member. The dreams are coming to fruition and there are plenty of stories to share…
Profits go back into community development and wildlife and rainforest conservation projects.
To order Guayusa Tea call in the US: 1 – 360 – 599 – 2873
For more info visit: www.guayusatea.com